Exciting news! We’ve rebranded Place Summits to Urban De-Code. While the name has changed, our mission remains the same. Urban De-Codes dive deep into the essence of city spaces, unraveling neighborhoods' unique stories and hidden dynamics. Join us as we explore and de-code the rich layers of urban life, revealing what makes each neighborhood distinct and thriving. 

Urban De-Codes: What are they?

Urban De-Codes - previously called "Place Summits" - are mini-conferences in which emerging professionals, students, and other city advocates can unpack the processes that create developments, improvements, and policies in a particular city. 

To de-code urbanism means delving into the intricate layers of urban environments, analyzing how urban spaces function, how they impact their inhabitants, and how thoughtful design and community engagement can enhance our collective experience of city life. Projects highlighted include particular developments, city-wide codes, street improvement projects, and more.

Attendees have the opportunity to explore these concepts with like-minded individuals and network with professionals, fostering meaningful connections and collaborative insights into the future of urban development. 


Urban De-Codes occur bi-annually in our established hubs—cities with a strong ENU presence. Scheduled for early spring and fall (March and September), this year's events in Atlanta, Washington, DC, Miami, Chicago, and San Francisco facilitated vibrant exchanges and lasting connections among professionals. 

New locations are welcomed and may be scheduled throughout the of the calendar year. If a new location proves to have a strong ENU presence, it’ll be designated a bi-annual hub.

See our next Urban Decode here!

Why Attend?

Inspiration: See firsthand how principles of New Urbanism can be implemented in real-world projects.

Education: Learn from experts about creating communities that prioritize people over cars.

Community: Meet and network with fellow urbanists, architects, planners, and developers who share your passion for creating equitable, sustainable urban spaces.

Don't miss this chance to experience a truly unique community and engage with the leaders in New Urbanism. Secure your spot now and be part of the conversation shaping the future of our cities. Fill out an interest form below

Still not convinced? Learn more about Urban De-Codes below or by checking out our Recaps page!

Exploring Our Goals

For ENU, an Urban De-Code and the ideas it sparks are powerful catalysts for future engagement. It marks the beginning of inviting emerging professionals to the table, providing them with educational opportunities, and connecting them with peers and mentors. Urban De-Codes also serve as a platform for those within and adjacent to the New Urbanist movement to network with fellow professionals and advocates. 

Fostering a Thriving Community

What happens when groups of passionate individuals from across the country gather with the opportunity to talk about any and all New-Urbanism-adjacent topics? How can emerging professionals in real estate, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, economics, transportation, and architecture contribute to the ever-evolving movement of New Urbanism? What can come of individuals being inspired by the passion projects, initiatives, and studies of others?

At ENU Urban De-Codes, inaugurated October of 2021, we ask these questions of ourselves. The takeaways? Education and empowerment. Learning motivates us and exploring inspires us.