
Join ENU today!

Where career advancement, education, and networking converge to empower emerging professionals who are passionate about shaping the future of urban spaces.


ENU is launching its Mentorship Program, allowing emerging professionals to be mentored by more established New Urbanists based on interests and career field. Interested? Fill out the Mentorship Form to sign up!

Career Advancement

ENU provides valuable resources and opportunities to enhance your professional growth. Stay updated on the latest trends, gain insights from experienced professionals, and access to internship and scholarship postings to propel your career forward.


Connect with like-minded individuals, experienced mentors, and industry leaders within the ENU community. Build meaningful relationships that can open doors to collaborations, partnerships, and career advancements.

Professional Recognition

 Showcase your achievements and contributions within the ENU community. Gain recognition for your work through ENU-held conferences and sessions, where colleagues can hear about your achievements.

Community Engagement

Engage with ENU's active community through events, forums, and projects. Contribute to discussions, share your insights, and participate in initiatives that shape the understanding and future of urban planning.