
ENU believes that engaging with students about New Urbanism is one of the best ways we can advance the goals of the charter and empower emerging professionals.

There are two ways that students can be involved in ENU:

Visit the members page for more information.

Students for New Urbanism Clubs

ENU mentors Students for New Urbanism (SNU) clubs at different schools. Each club has a dedicated ENU Mentor, who helps guide them through each school year with tips on fun events, resources for discussion topics, and guidance on connections to career opportunities. ENU strives to be the link that connects young minds with the broad network of CNU, focusing on educating curious students with engaging club activities.

Notre Dame's Students for New Urbanism (SNU) club is the most well-established group mentored by ENU! Please check out their instagram snu.notredame or send them an email at to see what they're up to or get in contact!

A Toast to Jane Jacobs

This was Notre Dame SNU's joint even with SAWA (Student Association for Women in Architecture) discussing the lasting impact of citizen urbanist Jane Jacobs.

The Gingerbread Transect

Check out Notre Dame SNU's interactive holiday event where students learned about the transect while celebrating the holidays! See the finished project here! 

Individual Students involved in ENU

Many of our members are students who are not associated with any SNU club. These members are invited to participate in our monthly meetings, get involved in task teams, or join our community-building events! Even students who are associated with an SNU club, but want to be more involved in the monthly activities of ENU are welcome to our events, gatherings, and network!